M1の小玉さんと村松准教授が国際会議 IEEE EMBC 2024@オーランドでそれぞれ発表を行いました.

国際会議 IEEE EMBC 2024がDisney’s Coronado Springs Resort@オーランドで開催され,村松研からは下記の発表を行いました.

M. Kodama, D. Muramatsu, “Anatomical Model-Based Analysis of Implantable Human Body Communication for Abdominal Medical Devices”, The 46th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2024), ID:118545, Orlando USA, Jul. 2024.

D. Muramatsu, “Numerical Simulation of Transcutaneous Capacitive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer for Implantable Medical Devices”, The 46th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2024), ID:118542, Orlando USA, Jul. 2024.